Magna Housing

Magna Housing is a non-profit property management company that operates more than 8,500 rental homes.

They decided to transition to Fibo wall panels at the end of 2017, and used them on more than 100 of their bathrooms in 2018.

Here the tenants are given a choice from among three different decors: Frost Blue, Toscana and Sugar Sparkle, which have all proved popular.

Rapid installation, easy maintenance and the robustness of the wall panels were important reasons for choosing Fibo. Many of the bathrooms are designed for residents with disabilities and must withstand, for example, wall mounted handles for support and lifting.

It looks good, requires little maintenance and our assembly team loves how easy it is to set up.


  • Rapid assembly
  • Can withstand adapted solutions for residents with disabilities
  • Active design
  • Easy maintenance
  • Positive customer service


  • Timeless – Frost Blue, Toscana and Sugar Sparkle


Magna Housing

United Kingdom / Residential / Social housing